Annual Results 2024 Fixed Income presentation

NatWest Group will release Annual Results at 7am on
Friday 14th February.
CFO Katie Murray and Treasurer Donal Quaid will host a
Fixed Income presentation at 1.30pm.

Zoom ID: 949 6600 6385

A high-level diagrammatic view of our major core subsidiaries.

Current credit ratings for NatWest Group and its major subsidiaries.

Recent and historic presentations.

Legal documentation in respect of the Group's outstanding capital securities.

Green, Social and Sustainability Bond framework, impact reports and other investor materials.

We have disclosed our expected issuance plans in recent results announcements.

Details and investor reports on the Group's major securitisation programmes.

Information on the Group's secured funding programmes.

Fixed Income Investors

Paul Pybus

Paul Pybus
Head of Debt Investor Relations

Paul joined the NatWest Group Investor Relations team as Head of Debt Investor Relations in January 2018 after 7 years in our Treasury team. Paul studied law at the LSE, qualifying as a Chartered Accountant shortly afterwards and pursuing a career in the banking sector specialising in capital management.

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Scott Forrest

Scott Forrest
Head of Treasury Debt Capital Markets & Capital Strategy, NatWest Treasury

Scott joined NatWest Group in 2013 and is responsible for the issuance of the Group’s capital, senior unsecured and secured debt, as well the management of its existing liabilities. This in turn has led to a key role in the development and a Green, Social and Sustainable Bond Framework to facilitate ESG related issuance. In November 2019 NWG issued the first social bond from a UK Bank under ICMA Social Bond principles, following this up with a green bond and a further social bond (social housing) in May-20 and Feb-21
Scott qualified as a lawyer and has worked in the life insurance and fund management sector where he has held a number of positions in both the Legal and Treasury teams.

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Amber Sekhri

Amber Sekhri
Head of Investor Access

Amber oversees Investor Access for NatWest Group and its operating companies, managing the IR programme across equity, debt and ESG. She joined the IR profession in 2012 covering the Real Estate sector, before moving to NatWest Group in 2017 to manage the equity IR programme. Amber has since been responsible for the successful implementation of a peer-leading Fixed Income engagement programme and has built strong relationships with the sell side and global institutional investor base. Amber holds a first class honours degree and the Certificate in Investor Relations.

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